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Q: What planet was the smallest planet 5 years ago?
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How volcanic eruption shaped the earth 5 billion years ago?

At 5 billion years ago, the Earth had yet to coalesce into a planet. At 4.5 billion years ago, it had, but was a ball of molten material without land or sea.

Is mars the 2 largest 3 largest or 2 smallest 3 smallest 4 or 5?

It is the second smallest planet in the solar system.

Which one is the smallest planet?

Pluto used to be the smallest planet, but it's not a planet any more! That makes Mercury the smallest planet in our Solar System. The second smallest planet in the Solar System is now Mars, measuring 6792 km across.

What is the order of the 5 biggest planet?

For our Solar System the order from largest to smallest is :-JupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneEarth

What year and day did mercury become a planet?

Impossible to say. The planets of our solar system were created at about the same time. About 4.5 to 5 billion years ago.

When did earth become a planet?

Theoretically all the planets of the Solar system were created at the same time from dust caught in the suns gravitational field. That would have been around 5 billion years ago. the trapped dust coalesced into belts which further coalesced into asteroids and planets.

How many years ago did the US become free of Britain?

5 years ago

How many years ago did the solar system form?

5 billion years ago

How many years ago did the precambian era begin?

About 542 mya ( million years ago ).

600 CE is how many years ago. Sst, class 5?

it was 1414 years ago

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It is 100 years.

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5 years ago