

What planets revolve around the sun?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Each of the eight planets orbits around the sun; Mercury (the smallest), Venus (the hottest), Earth (our planet), Mars (the red planet), Jupiter (the largest), Saturn (the one with rings), Uranus (the green one tilted on its side that you have to be careful how you pronounce), and Neptune (the furthest).

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13y ago
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6y ago

All planets revolve about a sun (it is part of the definition of what a planet is).

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no, all the planets revolve AROUND the sun.

Who stated that planets revolve around the sun in an ellipse?

Johannes Kepler stated that the planets revolve around the sun in an ellipse.

Why do planets revolve around the sun if there is no friction or gravity?

The planets revolve around the sun because of the sun's gravitational pull. The larger the object is the more gravitational pull it has therefore the planets revolve around the sun and the moon revolves around the Earth.

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The planets are satellites of the sun. The moons are satellites of the planets. The moons revolve around the planets captured by their gravity, while the planets revolve around the sun captured by its gravity and the sun.

What do the planets do around the sun?

They revolve.

Does Saturn revolve around the sun?

Yes, all planets in our solar system revolve around the sun

Do comets revolve around other planets?

The revole around the sun

Do the planets rotate around the sun?

Yes, all of the planets rotate around the sun, in the same direction but at different speeds and time periods. well planets rotate on their own axis, the correct term would be revolve. The planets revolve around the sun