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Fusion at the core of the sun is the process that gives the sun its energy. Fusion is the same process found in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.

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12y ago

The nuclear fusion (joining together) of hydrogen atoms in the core of the Sun. This forms helium atoms, along with large amounts of energy.

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Q: What process gives the sun its energy?
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What prosses gives the sun its energy?

The sun gets its energy from the process of fusion, where hydrogen atoms are fused together in the high temperatures and pressures of the Sun's core to produce helium atoms and release energy in the form of gamma rays..

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it gives off radiation which turns into energy

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the energy the sun gives us is called solar energy.

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The sun gives off heat, light, and radiation energy

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Because it gives light.

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No. The moon does not even give off light energy. It reflects light from the sun. This is a purely physical process.

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gravity x

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Elastic Energy

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Some food lines are: sun gives energy to the grass which gives energy to cows who gives energy to humans

What gives energy to the sun?

The sun gives energy to producers for their food, water for de' water cycle, and energy (Vitamin D) fir our skin. It also gives energy to animals, but if you want to know what type of energy it really depends on the animal.