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The asteroid belt.

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Q: What separates the inner and outer planets of the solar system?
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Where is Jupiter located in the inner or outer of the solar system?

Jupiter is the first of the outer planets. The asteroid belt separates the inner and outer planets.

What separates the 4 inner planets from the four outer planets?

The asteroid belt is generally regarded as the boundary between the inner solar system and the outer solar system.

What formation separates the inner planets from the outer planets?

The asteroid belt.

Separates the inner planets from the outer planets?

An asteroid (Rock) belt.

What object in the solar system separates the outer planets from the inner planets?

it is the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter . the asteroid belt is formed by asteroids .

What is some information on asteroid belts?

The asteroid belt in our solar system, separates the inner and outer planets from each other.

Pieces of rock form a belt that separates the inner planets from the outer planets?

this is known as the asteroid belt

What separates the inner and outer most planets?

The Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

Why are inner planets different than outer planets?

Inner planets. are inner & outer planets. are outer

Why are inner planets of solar system different from outer planets?

Because the inner planets are made of rock but the outer planets are made of gas(except for Pluto).

What distinguishes inner planets and outer planets?

Inner planets have a radius orbit shorter than the orbit of Jupiter. Outer planets are all the other planets of the solar system.

What is the ring that separates the inner and outer planets?

the asteroid belt, which is between Mars' and Jupiter's orbits.