

What star stage is your sun in?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Our Sun is in the hydrogen fusion cycle of an average, mid-size, main sequence star.

I have no idea what state YOUR Sun happens to be in.

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Q: What star stage is your sun in?
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What is your sun stage in?

Our Sun is in the hydrogen fusion cycle of an average, mid-size, main sequence star. I have no idea what state YOUR Sun happens to be in.

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In fact, the sun is not massive. It is an average, yellow star. When the sun goes into its next stage, it becomes a red giant. This could consume the whole solar system. Then, when it burns out, the gases escape into space, and it becomes a little tiny star called a white dwarf. Eventually it will burn out, and that's how the sun's lifecycle works.

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