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All the time,

but the highest concentration of junk occures when we pass through the path of a comet. The big shows are called meteor showers and happen every year.

Some of the better-known meteor showers and their approximate dates are: Lyrids, Apr. 21; Perseids, Aug. 12; Orionids, Oct. 20; Taurids, Nov. 4; Leonids, Nov. 16; Geminids, Dec. 13.

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Earth passes through areas of debris in the solar system during meteor showers, which occur when Earth's orbit intersects with the path of a comet. This typically happens at specific times of the year depending on the comet's orbit. Notable meteor showers include the Perseids in August and the Geminids in December.

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A piece of solar system debris that passes through Earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground is?

called a meteorite. It is a solid piece of debris from space that survives its journey through the Earth's atmosphere and lands on the ground, where it can be collected and studied by scientists.

Debris from the solar system strikes the earth as what?

Debris from the solar system that strikes the Earth is known as meteoroids. When meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, they are called meteors or shooting stars. If a meteor survives its journey through the atmosphere and lands on Earth, it is called a meteorite.

What is A piece of solar system debris that passes through Earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground is a?

That's called a meteorite.

What is a piece of solar system debris that passes through Earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground called?

That's called a meteorite.

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A meteor shower is produced when Earth passes through the debris left behind by a comet, causing the debris to enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up, creating streaks of light in the sky known as meteors.

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The meteor showers are a trail of debris left behind when an astronomic body passes through the plane of the Earth. When the Earth intersects such a debris trail, the pieces of debris slow down as they encounter the atmosphere, and soon gravity takes control.They are called meteors when in the sky, and meteorite if they land.These debris trails are still drifting through space, and we encounter some of these each year. Thus the Leonids or the Perseids and so on, for their parent object left a trail that appears to originate from a particular part of the sky. [But did not - these trails are probably old solar system remnants.]

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Actually they do burn up when they pass through the earth's atmosphere.A meteoroid is a small rock or particle of debris in our solar system. A meteoroid that burns up as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere is known as a meteor.

Debris from the solar system strikes the earth as?

meteoroids, entering the Earth's atmosphere and burning up as meteors or shooting stars. Some larger pieces that reach the Earth's surface are known as meteorites. These debris can come from asteroids, comets, or other celestial bodies in the solar system.

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