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about a many days and years...

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Q: What time does it take saturn to orbit the sun?
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How much time does it take for Saturn to orbit earth?

Saturn does NOT orbit the Earth ! It orbits the SUN every 29.5 years.

How much time does it take for Saturn to orbit the earth?

Saturn does NOT orbit the Earth ! It orbits the SUN every 29.5 years.

How many days does it take satin to orbit the sun?

How many days does it take Saturn the planet to orbit the sun? How many days does it take Saturn the planet to orbit the sun?

How many earth days does it take to orbit Saturn?

The sun does not orbit Saturn. Saturn orbits the sun.

What planets take more time than Saturn to orbit the sun?

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (which has been reclassified as a dwarf planet but its orbit remains the same). There is speculation of a tenth planet beyond the orbit of Pluto, and if it exists it would also take more time than Saturn to orbit the sun.

How long does it take Saturn to orbit the sun in days and years?

Saturn takes 29 years and 168 days to orbit the sun.

How long does take Saturn to circle the sun?

it takes Saturn 10,759.2 days to orbit the sun

Do the moons of Saturn orbit the Sun?

Yes, they orbit Saturn and Saturn orbits the Sun.

How long does it take Saturn to orbit the sun in Saturn years?

1 year

What is the time taken by Saturn to complete one orbit around the sun?

Saturn completes one orbit around the Sun in 29.4571 years.

How long does it take saturn to orbit the sun in earth years?

It takes 10,759 earth days (29 and a half years) for Saturn to orbit the sun

What planets take longer to orbit the sun then Saturn?
