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That would depend on what time zone of the Earth you were living in. The lunar landing was televised live and many millions of people watched it, obviously the moment of landing occured at different local times in different time regions.

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Q: What time of day did man first step on the moon?
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What day did the first man step on the moon?

June 20th, 1969

What time was it when the first man walked on the moon?

Neil Armstrong was the first human to take a step on the moon's surface, and did so at 2:56 UTC on July 21st, 1969. There currently is no time standard (in terms of divisions of a day or time zones) for the Moon. A day on the moon (the time it takes the sun to rise, set, and back to the same point again which would be 24 hours on earth) is over 700 hours.

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Which day did Armstrong step on the moon?

July 20, 1969

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No, it was a five-day moon, a "crescent" moon on July 20th 1969.

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sometimes, but not always it takes the moon i think 28 days to complete its cycle. so a cresent moon can be at the beginning of the month or at any other time.