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(Answered as "What travels across the surface of the Earth when an eclipse occurs?") The shadow of the Moon travels across the Earth during a Solar Eclipse. (During a Lunar Eclipse, the shadow of the Earth travels across the Moon.)

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Q: What travels across the surface of the earth for an eclipse occurs?
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What occurs when the moon travels through the earth's shadow?

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Why do more people see a total of lunar eclipse then a total solar eclipse?

A total solar eclipse is visible only across a narrow path of the Earth's surface; generally no more than 200 miles across, and sometimes much less. A total lunar eclipse occurs on the Moon itself, and is visible from the entire night side of the Earth.

What occurs when the Moon's shadow falls the Earth's surface?

lunar eclipse

Why do more people see a total lunar eclipse more then a total solar eclipse?

A total solar eclipse is visible only across a narrow path of the Earth's surface; generally no more than 200 miles across, and sometimes much less. A total lunar eclipse occurs on the Moon itself, and is visible from the entire night side of the Earth.

Why do people see a total solar eclipse more often than a total lunar eclipse?

It's the other way around; more people can see a total lunar eclipse than a total solar eclipse. The reason is that a lunar eclipse happens on the Moon; it is visible from half of the Earth's surface. A solar eclipse occurs along a narrow track across the Earth, and 75% of the Earth's surface is oceans.

Desribe a lunar eclipse?

The light from the moon is actually reflected light from the sun. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon travels through the Earth's shadow.

What is an moon?

Orange moon occurs during a lunar eclipse. When a lunar eclipse occurs sun travels through the moon and the earth, the light reflected turns the moon into a colour like Dark orange or red.

Who on earth's surface can observe the total solar eclipse when it occurs?

Whoever is underneath it. If you are not directly underneath it, you will only see a partial eclipse.

What are types of lunar eclipse?

A penumbral eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's penumbra.A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a portion of the Moon enters the umbra.A total lunar eclipse is when the Moon travels completely into the Earth's umbra.A selenelion or selenehelion or possibly horizontal eclipse occurs when both the Sun and the eclipsed Moon can be observed at the same time.See link for more information