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The two most common ones are hydrogen and helium gas

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Hydrogen and helium

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Q: What two elements are commonly found in stars?
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What two elements are are most commonly found in stars?

Hydrogen and Helium.

What two elements are found in stars?

hydrogen and helium. More than just these two elements can be found in stars, though, otherwise we would live in a universe comprised completely of hydrogen and helium.

Which two elements can be found in the stars throughout the galaxy?

Hydrogen and helium.

What are the two main elements found in the stars?

Hydrogen and helium

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What elements are found in stars in the beginning of their life?

Mostly lighter elements, such as hydrogen (one proton) and helium (two protons). The helium found in young stars comes from nuclear fusion reactions where 2 hydrogens fuse to make a helium atom.

What two elements are the most common stars?

The two most common elements in the Universe, and in most stars are - in that order - hydrogen and helium (elements #1 and #2).

Which of the elements does a star contain?

Basically all of them. However, most stars contain large amounts of hydrogen (since that's the most common element in the Universe), as well as helium, as well as smaller amounts of other elements.

Why are some elements found in nature mainly as their ions and not pure elements?

Many elements are found in nature in molecular form - two or more atoms (of the same type of element) are bonded together. Oxygen, for example, is most commonly found in its molecular form "O2" (two oxygen atoms chemically bonded together).

What are the two main elements in the stars?

Hydrogen and helium

Which are two abundant element in the stars?

Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in stars.

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