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Q: What was the date 47 weeks ago from today?
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Can pregnancy go on for 47 weeks?

my aunt carried a baby for 45 weeks but that was 13 years ago its possible but not recommended anymore.

Alcatraz closed its doors 47 years ago today what nickname did san francisco prison have?

The Rock.

How many weeks are in 47 days?

There are 329 days in 47 weeks (7 x 47 = 329).

How long ago was 47 weeks ago?

A quick calculation, as there are 52 weeks in a year, is add 5 weeks (52 - 47) then take off a year. A week is 7 days then 7 x 5 = 35 so add 35 days to 9th April making 21 to month end leaving 14 (35 - 21). So answer is about the 14th of May 2014

If born in 1962 how old would you be?

If you were born in 1962 before this date (today) you would be 48; after 47.

47 years ago today what folk artist was censored and opted to walk out on The Ed Sullivan Show?

Bob Dylan

The Wham-O company invented the Hula Hoop 47 years ago today What is another Wham-O invention?

silly string

How many seconds are in 47 weeks?

One day is equal to 60 x 60 x 24 = 86400 seconds. 47 weeks is equal to 47 x 7 = 329 days. Therefore, 47 weeks is equal to 86400 x 329 = 28425600 seconds.

What is the value of a Russian AK 47?

3 years ago i payed 350 for mine, but today they go for as much as 800.

The wham-o company invented the hula hoop 47 years ago today what's anonther wham-o invention?

silly string

How many weeks is 47 days?

6 weeks and 5 days

How many weeks and days are in 47 days?

7 days = 1 week so 47 days = 6 weeks + 5 days.