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I predict that the constellations would look different.

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Nothing, it would only look nice.

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Q: What would happen if all of the planets lined up?
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Are all the planets always lined up?

No, they are very rarely lined up.

What will happen if all the planets were lined up in a straight line?

the Mayan calendar predicts this on Dec 22, 2012 - end of times. I predict nothing much will happen.

When do all the planets line up with the sun?

All the planets never lined up, but it was reported once that mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were lined up together.

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What would happen to the planets if you took away the sun's gravity?

the planets would not receive heat from the sun and all life on earth would cease to exist. also the planets would not rotate or be held in place. the sun is what holds the planets together in orbit.

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If god didn't exist then the hole world and all the planets and galaxy's would never happen

What would happen if the sun was replaced by R136a1?

R136a1's heat would probably vaporize all of the planets.

What would happen if there wasn't planets?

we wouldn't be posting questions which means we wouldn't exist at all

What would happen if the sun lost gravity?

because the planets use the sun's gravitaional pull if it lost it all the planets would spiral out wards and earth would freeze because of no heat.

What would happen if the Sun orbits the Earth?

It would ruin the solar system and might destroy the other planets because they are in the way of the suns orbiting circle and all the planets would be floating in sapce all over the place or the sun and all the other planets will have to orbit the earth and it will become the earth system-dont think it's going to happen though

Do all planets revolve around its axis?

Yes. But not all at the same rate, nor are their axis lined up with each other.Yes.Yes.

What would happen if the sun were closer to the earth?

If we moved close enough, the planets atmosphere would disintegrate and we would all die from suffocation or heat.