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The period of revolution or orbital revolution. For Earth, this is one year.

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Q: Whats the time' it takes to move once around the sun called?
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The planets move around the sun in a path called an?

The path around The sun is called a orbit

What words mean to move in a circle around something?

To move in a circle around something is called revolving. To move around the same point is called rotation. To move around another stationary object is called orbiting. The earth rotates on its own axis while also orbiting around the sun.

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They are called satellites

How do the planets move around the sun to create a year?

the planets move around in an oval shape around the sun there are 2 ways they do that 1.the revolution around the sun 2.spinning around if a planet goes around the sun then that's called a revolution it takes 365 days (1 year) for the earth to go around the sun if a planet spins around that is 1 day it takes 24 hours (1 day) for earth to spin around some planets take longer to go around the sun and some go faster than the earth

How fast can a red blood cell move?

A red blood cell takes about 20 seconds to move around your whole body