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Helium is produced

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Q: When different isotopes of hydrogen fuse in the sun nuclei of what are produced?
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Why is the sun's energy called nuclear energy?

The energy produced (or rather, converted) in the Sun comes from nuclear energy - that is, it involves changes to atomic nuclei. In this case, four hydrogen-1 atoms combine to one helium-4 atom. (The numbers refer to the isotopes involved.)

Energy is produced in the sun when two?

..particles (nuclei) fuse together to form heavier nuclei. Initially, two protons fuse together (hydrogen atom nuclei) to form deuterium. These in turn may fuse with further protons, or with another deuterium nuclei to for a helium nuclei. As the heavier nuclei form, lots of energy is released.

Is the sun made out of hydrogen and helium?

It definitely runs on hydrogen, and its made of helium, as well. --- Yes, it is mainly made of hydrogen which it uses as a fuel. It fuses hydrogen nuclei together to form helium, producing huge amounts of energy through this nuclear fusion reaction. Helium is produced by this reaction. The most important fusion reaction is stars the size of our Sun, is the so called 'Proton - proton' reaction, which in summary, combines 4 nuclei of Hydrogen to produce one nucleus of Helium, plus two nuclei of Hydrogen, and positrons and gamma rays. Gamma rays get transformed inside the sun into less harmful electromagnetic radiations. There are other fusion reaction inside stars, which combine lighter atom nuclei into heavier nuclei, going up to producing carbon C and iron Fe nuclei.

How does the sun create energy and where does it happen?

By nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei, in the core.

When the sun burns hydrogen helium it makes what?

The sun is on the Main Sequence, fusing hydrogen nuclei to form helium nuclei and release substantial quantities of energy.

Related questions

What does a hydrogen bomb use for its explosive power?

An explosive weapon of enormous destructive power caused by the fusion of the nuclei of various hydrogen isotopes in the formation of helium nuclei.

What do the nuclei of different plutonium isotopes have in common?

The nuclei of all plutonium isotopes contain the same number of protons.

The nuclei of isotopes contain different numbers of .?


Different isotopes of an element have a different number of neutrons in the nuclei?


How are isotopes different than naturally occurring elements?

Isotopes of an element have different masses because their nuclei have different numbers of neutrons.

What cause different isotopes to have different atomic masses?

Different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.

When the nuclei of hydrogen and lithium are fused together what element is produced?


When a pair of hydrogen isotopes is fused is the mass of the product nucleus more or less the sum of the masses of the two hydrogen nuclei?

Because of conservation of matter the nucleus would weigh the same as the sum of the two isotopes.

What is the meaninq of two isotopes stable and unstable isotopes?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. Stable isotopes have a balanced number of protons and neutrons, meaning their nuclei do not decay over time. Unstable isotopes, also known as radioactive isotopes, have an imbalance of protons and neutrons, causing their nuclei to decay and emit radiation over time.

Is Fusion a process in which existing nuclei combine to make new nuclei?

Yes. In nuclear fusion, experiments are trying to produce fusion of nuclei of deuterium and tritium, which are isotopes of hydrogen. The product will be nuclei of helium plus released energy.

How do you know the difference between isotopes and an element?

Isotopes are atoms of an element having different number of electrons.

In 1938 scientists discovered that bombarding large atomic nuclei with neutrons causes the nuclei to split into smaller nuclei and release energy. What was created as a result of this discovery?

Two new isotopes are produced by fission.