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The Smart Note Taker was invented not discovered

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How many stars are within 12.5 light years of the earth?

You can check the Wikipedia article "List of nearest stars". Note that it is quite possible that not all stars up to that distance have been discovered, since red dwarves and brown dwarves are quite difficult to detect.

When was Leo the constellatin discovered?

Constellations aren't "discovered", they are invented. That is, somebody looks at a group of stars, and says something like, "To me, this looks like a lion", for example. Note that the individual stars are unrelated to one another; they just happen to be in the same direction. The constellation Leo was already known in Ancient Greece.

How was Mars discovered by the Egyptians?

Mars was observed by the Egyptians because it was the brightest star in the sky. at the time it was just another star and the concept of planet revolving around the sun had not yet been brought forward. However by the time the Egyptians started to take note of the heavenly body's they would certainly have a special place set aside for it as it did not behave as did normal stars.

What moons atmosphere is like earth?

In our solar system, there is no moon that has an atmosphere which resembles that of the Earth. Note that the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere is the result of photosynthesis performed by green plants, and there is no other place in the solar system that has green plants (or any other kind of life that has yet been discovered). It remains theoretically possible and perhaps even likely that there are planets and moons elsewhere in the galaxy which have atmospheres resembling that of the Earth, but they have not actually been detected, and considering the great distances involved, perhaps they never will be.

How much is a 2013 star note 2.00 bill worth?

"Star" notes are replacements for defective bills discovered during the printing process. They're not terribly rare; about five million $2 star notes in the 2013 series were printed. A "star note" may be worth a small premium to a collector, but $2 bills are unpopular and not widely circulated. You can take the bill to a dealer or collector and ask if you want to be certain, but a realistic valuation of your $2 star note is $2.