wearing ones pants around the hips so that they sag down and bunch up around the ankles.
Originally, this was a prison thing that signified that you were another prisoner's property.
Punks were forced to wear their pants this way so it would be easier for their masters to pull their pants down and rape them.
Somehow this became a 1990's fashion trend.
I learned this from watching a TV special on prison life.
The inmate who related the story was an elderly black gentleman who had been sentenced to life in prison and had been there for over fifty years.
He marveled how such a mark of shame became a fashion statement.
He said that younger inmates don't believe him when he tells them but swears it's the truth.
I believed him.
I also think they should let him out already, he's like 80 and I don't think he represents a threat to society.
Sagging in buildings usually results from the gradual deterioration of structural components over time, such as weakening of support beams or foundations. In the case of human skin, sagging occurs due to a loss of collagen and elastin, which are proteins that provide firmness and elasticity to the skin. This loss is a natural part of aging but can also be accelerated by factors like excessive sun exposure, smoking, and poor skincare habits.
do constallations come out everyday
They do not come from the sunspot. They can be anywhere in the sun,
Radiation can come from sources like nuclear power plants, X-ray machines, and radioactive materials. It can also come from natural sources like radon gas and cosmic rays.
The Sun
Most tornadoes in the United States come from the southwest to northeast direction. However, the specific direction can vary depending on the local weather patterns and topography of the area.
Sagging came from prison.Prisinors aren't allowed to have belts so they cant commit suicide or use it as a weapon during fights it also tells other prisoners that he is homosexual.
Sagging pants? US prisons.
Flabby Sagging Flesh was created in 1995.
For sagging breasts is recommended breast lift surgery or so called mastopexy. This is cosmetic correction procedure developed for sagging breasts. Usually it uses tissue from breast and fat to correct sagging skin.
Mastoptosis is the medical term for sagging breast.
no it is not youre breast sagging means you have not been wearing braws
Sagging is the act of something which sags - which sinks or bends - or the manner of wearing pants or shorts below the waist.
You can fix a sagging door on a 1996 Suburban by replacing the door pins and the bushings.
There's nothing big about wayne's sagging it makes him really look like a gangstar
Because sagging your pants is affecting something without any purpose and that is foolish.
Mastoptosis is the sagging of the breast.