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The details are a bit complicated, and scientists are still trying to find part of the answer. But what you need to know, for most practical purposes, is that the gravitational force is related to masses. Masses attract one another. (According to the General Theory of Relativity, masses will distort space; this space distortion causes the attractive force on other masses. Scientists also believe that the force of gravity is transmitted through a hypothetical particle called a "graviton"; so far, they didn't manage to detect one, and it is expected to be very difficult to detect.)

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It's a by-product of mass.

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Gravitational Pull.

Is gravitational pull the same as gravitational acceleration?

No. "Pull" is a force, not an acceleration.

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All materials with mass exert a gravitational pull.

How would you give an object gravitational pull?

All obects have a gravitational pull. The larger it is, the stronger the pull.

When is the moon gravition pull the strongest?

The mutual gravitational forces between the Moon and the Earth are strongest when the distance between the two bodies is smallest. Just like the mutual gravitational forces between any other two bodies.

If an apple has a mass of 1kg what is its weight?

well depends what planet you are on the basic formulae is as follows weight = mass X gravitational field (gravitational pull) on each planet so depending on what planet you wish to know ill put int the answer . Mercury gravitational pull is 3.7 so its 3.7kg Venus gravitational pull is 8.8 so its 8.8kg Earth gravitational pull is 9.8 so its 9.8kg Mars gravitational pull is 3.7 so its 3.7kg Jupiter gravitational pull is 23.2 so its 23.2kg Saturn gravitational pull is 9.0 so its 9kg Uranus gravitational pull is 8.7 so its 8.7kg Neptune gravitational pull is 11.1 so its 11.1kg Pluto gravitational pull is 0.6 600g

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It doesn't "enter" the atmosphere, it comes from the large mass of the earth which creates a gravitational pull.

What does gravatational pull do?

Gravitational pull is so the planets keep orbiting around the sun because of its gravitational pull

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What determine the gravitational pull of a object?

An object's gravitational pull is determined by the object's mass.

Does our Sun have a gravitational pull?

Yes, everything in the cosmos has a gravitational pull on everything else.