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due south and slightly above the horizon

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Q: Where in the sky would a star with an azimuth of 180 degrees and an altitude of 20 degrees be found?
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Where in the sky would a star with azimuth of 180 degrees and an altitude of 20 degrees be found?

due south and slightly above the horizon

What is the difference between a negative the altitude and a positive altitude?

Altitude describes an object's position relative to sea level. An object in a position higher than sea level would have a positive altitude, sea level would have an altitude of zero, and any object below sea level would have a negative altitude.

What is an azimuth ring?

An azimuth ring is part of a navigation device, usually found on a compass but often on a map, where it may be called a "compass rose." Its principal feature is a circular ring of numbers to indicate direction. By international convention, a circle is divided into 360 equal parts, called "degrees," with 000 being North, 090 being East, 180 being South and 270 being West. Directions are normally specified in three-digit groups. For example, someone traveling slightly North of East might be traveling 080 or 085. The use of the compass ring(s) would be (a) to determine from a map the required travel direction in degrees, and second, to actually travel in that direction by watching the compass. Small handheld compasses are seldom printed with an azimuth ring simply because most are too small. Larger compasses, used for serious aircraft and boat navigation always have one. Some GPS devices can provide a real-time readout of the traveler's direction in a window that displays as a small portion of an azimuth ring.

What would be the coordinates of a star located due south and on the horizon?

A star's 'coordinates' are constant, and refer to its position on the 'celestialglobe' ... a system of coordinates that rotates with the sky and doesn't dependon where you see it (or even whether you see it).One possible description of where you see the object in your sky is in terms ofits altitude ... height above the horizon ... and azimuth ... true direction from you.If the star is due south and on the horizon, then its altitude is zero, and itsazimuth is 180° . Its celestial coordinates could be literally anything, dependingon the date, the time, and where you are located when you see is.

How the temperature changes with altitude?

Each 1000ft of ascent will bring a cooling of about 3 degrees Centigrade, so at 15000 feet the temperature would have fallen by 45 Centigrade degrees. That seems a lot but that was our basic guide in wartime when we learned to fly. If the cockpit canopy didn't close too well your nose would suffer unless it was inside your flying mask.

Related questions

Where in the sky would a star with azimuth of 180 degrees and an altitude of 20 degrees be found?

due south and slightly above the horizon

What is the approximate azimuth and elevation of Venus just before it sets?

Azimuth about 270 degrees. That's due West. Elevation (or altitude) about 5 degrees. That's just above the horizon. Venus is always fairly near the Sun in the sky. The Sun sets roughly in the West. Amongst other things, the actual azimuth would depend on time of year and different latitude, of course. I've used the convention for azimuth of North 0 or 360 degrees, West 270 degrees, South 180 degrees, East 90 degrees. There are other conventions.

What is the back azimuth of 223 degrees?

As the request is for the back azimuth, then what is wanted is the reverse (or inverse) of the azimuth, 223 degrees. In other words, an object moved in the direction of 223 degrees (Southwest relatively), but now the desire is to reverse the travel in order to arrive at the starting point. (That starting point would have to be Northeast relatively.) One does not typically work with directions exceeding 360 degrees nor less than 0 degrees as that range is the range of a compass. Therefore, the back azimuth of 223 degrees, whatever it is, must be between zero and 360 degrees. To determine the back azimuth all that is necessary is the knowledge that 1) the back azimuth is the opposite direction of the azimuth and 2) 180 degrees either added or subtracted will yield the back azimuth, and 3) the correct back azimuth must be in the range of zero to 360 degrees. Given this knowledge and the variable definitions Ab = Back Azimuth and A = Azimuth, Ab = A + 180 or Ab = A - 180 But which equation yields the correct back azimuth? Using knowledge point #3 above, the correct result will be the one that is between zero and 360 degrees. Therefore, Ab = A - 180 = 223 - 180 = 43 degrees is the correct back azimuth. The other choice, Ab = A + 180 = 223 + 180 = 403 degrees, exceeds the range of the compass, so 403 degrees cannot be the correct back azimuth.

To convert a grid azimuth to a magnetic azimuth you will need to know g-m angle. where would you look for this piece of information?

Declination Diagram

What would be the back azimuth of 265 degrees?

85 degrees (provided the distance is not more than a few miles).

How are altitude and stars related?

Defining a stars location is done with a coordinate system just as one would use a X & Y system for graphing. Locating a star involves what compass direction the star can be found (azimuth) and how high above the visible horizon (altitude).

If you travel 200 feet at an angle of 5 degrees what would be your altitude?

The tangent of 4 degrees would be equal to x/200, where x is the altitude in feet. tan(5) = x/200 tan(5)*200 = x x is about 17.4977, so, if you started at 0 feet, your altitude would be about 17.4977 feet.

What would be the altitude of the north star in Fairbanks Alaska?

The altitude of the North Star will not change from any point on Earth. However, the declination changes depending upon where you are and when - It is less than 90 degrees.

Which climate would not be found above 30 degrees latitude?

Rain forests of any kind would not be found past 30 degrees latitude.

Would altitude affect the elevation at which some organisms are found?

It would because different animals can live in different climates

How does latitude affect daylight hours?

Latitude doesn't effect daylight, the sun effects daylight. Latitude affects daylight by varying the length of a day and the apparent altitude of the sun in the sky and therefore the angle of incidence of sunlight on a building. The maximum and minimum apparent altitude of the sun at noon for a location at latitude L can be calculated as follows: Max (June 21): 90 - L + 23.5 Min (Dec 21): 90 - L - 23.5 So, for a building in Boston at latitude approximately 42N, the maximum apparent solar altitude would be 71.5 degrees and the minimum would be 24.5 degrees. For a building in Miami at latitude approximately 26N, the maximum apparent solar altitude would be 87.5 degrees and the minimum would be 40.5 degrees.

In what state would water be found at 130 degrees Celsius?

It would be a gas as its boiling point is 100 degrees Celsius.