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Uranus can be seen with the naked eye, but it has to be perfect viewing conditions and you have to know where to look, otherwise it will look just like another star.

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Q: Which Planets are not visible to naked eye?
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How did they discover Mars?

By looking in the sky at night. Its one of the planets that is visible with the naked eye.

Which planets have been known for longest?

The naked eye visible planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

When was Saturn discuverd?

Thousands of years ago - as it is one of 5 planets visible to the naked eye.

Can planets be seen on a clear night with the naked eye?

The planets visible to the naked eye, from the brightest to the less bright are Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury.

Are microbes visible to the naked eye?

No. But yes. Yeast is a microbe but it is visible with the naked eye

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There is only one asteroid currently visible to the naked eye. It is the Vesta asteroid.

What are the planets that your naked eye can see?

Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury. Uranus is very faint but also naked eye visible on very dark nights, if you know just where to look, averted vision.

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What is the term used to mean a specimen is visible to the naked eye?

The term for visible with the unaided (naked) eye is "gross", as in gross anatomy.

Which five heavenly bodies are visible to the naked eye?

Aside from the sun and moon, the fiver inner planets (other than the earth) are visible to the naked eye. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can all be seen at times without the aid of any optics.

What determine whether a planet is visible all night long?

the naked eye determines if it is visible.

Why are the terrestrial planets knwon as the ancient planets?

they can be seen by the naked eye