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Halley's comet is visible every 76 to 79 years. the last appearance was during the 1980's

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Q: Which comet is visible from earth every 76 years and is not visible in 2008?
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What comet is visible on earth every 76 years?

haleys commet :)

Comet visible from earth every 76 years?

No comets are not visble on earth, every 76 years, only Halley's comet is only visible every 76 years

What comet is visible after 76 years?

Halley's comet is visible approximately every 76 years.

Comet which seen in every 73 years?

That is Halley's comet, named after English astronomer Edmond Halley,

Every how many years is Halley's Comet visible?

i think it comes past the earth every 76 years.

Does Halley's comet pass by the earth every year in its orbit through our solar system?

Haley's Comet is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. The Comet's orbit takes 75 to 76 years to complete, so it only passes by the earth once every 75-76 years.

What comet is visible evvery 76 years?

Halley's comet appears after every 76 years.

What space curiosity occurs every 76 years?

Halley's Comet returns to the part of its orbit visible from Earth.

Is halleys comet is a periodic comet?

Halley's Comet is a Short Period Comet. It is actually the brightest known short period comet, one of the main reasons for it's popularity. It is visible from Earth once every 75–76 years. The last being in 1986 and the next being in 2061.

What galaxy returns every 76 years?

No galaxy returns every 76 years. Halley's Comet, which is a comet, not a galaxy, becomes visible every 76 years.

Was Halley's comet seen in 1834?

No, Halley's comet was not visible in 1834. Halley's comet has an orbital period of about 76 years, so it was last visible from Earth in 1986 and will next be visible in 2061.

Name the comet that came close to earth in 1986?

The name of the comet seen in 1986 is Halley's Comet. You can see it every 75-76 years, and is the only short period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye from earth, and thus the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime.