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This is most likely William Herschel.

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Q: Which enlightenment scientist observed the circular impact craters on the Moon and considered that they might have been built by a civilization?
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ferris wheel

Give reason why uniform circular motion is considered as accelerated motion?

Because within circular motion, acceleration is constant

Who was The scientist who asserted that the planets move around the sun in a circular orbit?

Isaac Newton

Who invented the formula for circular motion?

Sir Zvince Catervuent. A French scientist, he never really liked his job!

What shap was the moon?

the moon was a square unbelivably and has developed to be round altho scientist show that the moon is not completly round/circular

Which scientist developed the geocentric theory?

The Geocentric Theory was developed by Greek astronomers. The theory was that celestial bodies moved around Earth in circular paths.

What is considered to be a conical shape?

A conical shape is defined to be shaped like a cone. A cone is a hollow or solid object that dwindles from a circular or as close to circular as possible down to a point.

What kind of figure a cylinder?

It is a three dimensional object, not a figure. It may be considered a circular prism.

What is the difference between diameter and width?

Diameter is equivalent to the width of a circular object. Width is the shorter side of a non-circular two-dimensional object. The longer side is considered the length.

What is Aztec?

Aztecs are the ancient civilization of atlantis who re built if almost exactly as described by plato only difrence was it was squar instead of circular no it look like a dog

To moves around the sun in nearly circular path?

Any satellite circling another object is considered to be 'orbiting' that object in a circular orbit.Wikipedia made the following statement, under topic, "circular orbit":"In astrodynamics or celestial mechanics a circular orbitis an elliptic orbit with the eccentricity equal to 0."Here, the 'eccentricity' would be referring to the degree to which the orbit moves outside that of forming a perfect cirular path. As a circular path would have no variance from being circular, of course, it has no "eccentricity/ies"

The shape of the earth's orbit is a?

The earth orbits around the sun in an elliptical path. It is too oblong to be considered circular orbit.