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Q: Which gas giant has the largest diameter?
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Is Neptune diameter larger then earth diameter?

Yes. Neptune is a gas giant.

The largest of the Gas Giant planets is?


What planet after Jupiter is the largest gas giant?

Saturn is the second largest

Which planet is a gas giant the largest planet?


Which planet is the smallest of the gas giant planets?

Of the Jovian (gas giant) planets, Neptune is the smallest while Jupiter is the largest.

Which planet is the largest gas gaint?

Jupiter is the largest planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is formed from gas and is also known as the Gas Giant

What has the largest ring system of the gas giant planets?


What planet is the largest and is mostly a big ball of gas?

Jupiter. It is a gas giant planet.

What planet has the largest ring system of the gas giant planets?


What gas giant has the biggest moon?

Saturn has the largest family of moons.

Is Neptune a big planet?

Yes, it's diameter is 30,685 miles, it is also a gas giant.

Which gas giant has a moon called triron?

"Triton" is the largest moon of planet Neptune.