

Which is the heaviest planet

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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In astronomy, heavy, heaviest etc. is never used as that is a terminology for weight.

Weight is a function of an objects mass and the amount of gravity.

This is why you would weight 120lb on Earth but only 20lb on the Moon.

We therefore use the terminology "mass" as it does not have to take gravity into account.

So the most massive planet is Jupiter have more mass than any of the other planets. [See related question]

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13y ago

Jupiter is the heaviest because of its size, 1.9 x10^27 kg. Earth is the most dense planet though

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In our solar system, the planet with the most mass is Jupiter. So, if the planets could be arranged with their centers all at the same distance from, say, the center of the sun, then Jupiter would be the heaviest in that situation.

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Jupiter and mercury. Pluto isn't a planet any more.

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Uranus is the third most massive planet in our solar system.

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It is 7th. (Strictly speaking you should say most massive, not heaviest.)

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Comparison of the size of Uranus and the Earth. Uranus is 51118 km or about four Earths wide. It is the third widest and fourth heaviest planet in the Solar System

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No. In our solar system it is the second most massive planet. Fifth place goes to Earth.

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In our solar system, the largest planet, Jupiter, is indeed also the heaviest, weighing in at about 317 times the mass of Earth. However, a larger planet isn't necessarily a heavier one - for example, Uranus is larger but less massive than Neptune.