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Earth, 7,920 miles

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Q: Which is the largest of the terrestrial planets and what is its diameter?
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Which terrestrial planet is largest?

There are four terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Of these planets, Earth is the largest and Mercury is the smallest.

How does the diameter of the terrestrial and jovian planets compare?

The diameter of a terrestrial and jovian planets are comparable in the sense that the objects orbiting on a terrestrial level are often much bigger than those of jovian planets.

What is the largest of the terrestrial planets in the solar system?

Venus and Earth are called "Sister planets" but if you've noticed Venus is bigger than Earth so therefore Venus is the biggest planet.

What is the largest terrestrial planet?

A terrestrial planet is one like Earth, Mercury or Mars, a solid, rocky planet-- not a gas giant like Jupiter. Earth is the largest one in our solar system, however larger planets have been observed outside our solar system that are thought to be terrestrial, such as Gliese 436 c.

Which planet is largest rocky?

Earth is the largest of the terrestrial (rocky) planets.

Does earth have the largest moon of the terrestrial planets?


What terrestrial planets have diameters nearly close in size?

Earth and Venus are close in diameter.

Which of the 4 terrestrial planets has the most gravity?

Earth is the largest and most massive of the four inner or terrestrial planets. Its surface gravity is therefore the highest of the four.

Is Venus the largest planet?

In our Solar system, Jupiter is the largest planet. Venus is one of the four terrestrial or solid planets, closest to the Sun, but Earth is the largest terrestrial planet.

What inner planet has the largest diameter?

Earth has the largest diameter of the four inner planets (12,756km at the equator).

Of the four planets closest to the sun which is the largest?

With a diameter of 12756 km, Earth is the largest of the four inner planets. Venus is the next largest inner planet after the Earth with a diameter of 12104 km.

How do the sizes of the terrestrial planets compare to the gas giants?

The average terrestrial planet has only about 10.3% of the diameter and 0.4% of the mass of the average gas giant.