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The moon called Europa is most likely to have liquid water underneath it's icy crust. Europa is the 6th closest moon to the planet of Jupiter.

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Q: Which moon of Jupiter is most likely to have liquid water under its ice crust?
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Which planet has a moon with a possible ocean water under a crust of ice?

Jupiter's moons - Europa and Ganymede possibly have oceans of liquid water under their crust. Saturn's moon - Enceladus also has a possible ocean of water under it's crust.

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Scientists believe that there is liquid water, under the crust of Europa.

What is the name of the moon of Jupiter that possibly contains a liquid ocean under its surface?

Europa is the moon of Jupiter which contains liquid ocean or H2o

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What is name of the Moon of Jupiter that contains a liquid ocean?

Europa possibly, has a liquid ocean under the surface ice.

Moon on Jupiter possibly contains a liquid ocean under its surface?

That moon iscalledEuropa.

Scientsts think that the moon europa may have what?

liquid water, under its icy crust.

Which of Jupiter's moons possibly contains a liquid ocean under its surface?

Europa is the moon that could possibly contain a liquid ocean under its icy surface, and it could possibly be liquid water, or H2O!

What is the composition of the crust under the continents How do you know?

Continental crust is generally high in silica. You may also know that the crust is likely to be made of granite. Hope that helped ;)