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Uranus its Axial tilt is almost sideways to its orbital path around the Sun. 97' tilt.

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Q: Which planet's axis tilts it almost on its side?
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Are other planets tilts more dramatic than earths?

Yes, some do. Most notable is Uranus, which is almost on its side.

What planet tilts on its axis that make it look like is rotating on its side?


Does Mars have an axis?

Yes, it tilts on it's side like Earth. This causes it to have seasons.

This planet tilts over so far from its axis that it rotates on its side?

Thats planet Uranus.

Which planets axis is turned side ways and rotates on its axis?

Uranus, they belive something tillted it on it's side.

What is unusual about the rotation of Uranus?

Unlike the other planets, Uranus' axis of rotation is almost parallel to its orbital plain. All the other planets' axis of rotation are almost perpendicular to their orbital planes.So most planets can be visualized as spinning like tops on a table, where the table is the plane of their orbits. Uranus would be visualized as rolling on its side as it moves around its spins sidewaysIt spins sideway.

How does your location on the surface of the Earth affect the surface temperature?

when the axis tilts or the earth it gets a bit closer to the sun so on one side its warmer than the other

Planet that tilts on its side?


How does the amount of daylight change through the year?

The Earth tilts on its axis and it orbits the sun. in the summer, the sun is hitting your side of the planet and in the winter its hitting the other side.

What makes Uranus unusual compared to other planets?

Most planets have a certain degree of tilt on their axis, like earth does. But the tilt of Uranus on it's axis is so extreme, that it essentially rolls around the sun on it's side. Or to put it another way, instead of it's axis pointing basically North/South, it points almost East/West.

What makes uranus different from the other planets?

Because of the strange way it spins, nights on some parts of Uranus can last for more than 40 years. The planet's most extraordinary feature is the tilt of its rotational axis, which is almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, which means that it alternately has its north pole and its south pole turned towards the sun.

Is uranus on its side?

Uranus was knocked off its axis due to a collision with another large object passing through space . The object was nearly the size of uranus.All planets have a tilted axis. The Gravity of the Sun and other planets force the tilt.