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Q: Which planet crossed the face of the sun after 122 years recently?
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Which planets crossed the face of the Sun in transit after 122 years?


Which method could detect a planet in an orbit that is face-on to the Earth?

Astrometric Technique

The days on this planet may last 42 earth years and the seasons may last 21 earth years?

Because Uranus' axis of rotation is in the plane of its orbit, the poles of the planet face the Sun. This means that each pole is illuminated for half of its 84.3 (Earth) year orbit, making a day on the planet last roughly 42 Earth years.

What planet has ears?

In 1610, when Galileo turned his newly constructed Telescope (as powerful as today's binoculars) towards Saturn, he was mystified when he noticed "Ears" on Saturn's "face". What he was seeing, of course, were Saturn's rings, but nobody ever having seen rings around a planet before, and not having good enough telescopes for at least 50 more years, he simply could not comprehend what he was looking at. He (only slightly) more rationally decided that the lobes were an illusion - that Saturn had two huge moons orbiting it (he had recently discovered Jupiter's four big moons). However, 2 years later, as Saturn turned so that Earth was edge on to the rings, they vanished from view. The rings are exquisitely thin compared with their huge diameter. He thought Saturn had "swallowed" his children. The rings returned, of course, which baffled him further. Poor Galileo. He went to his grave thinking Saturn was a "crazy planet"

Which planet has its north pole almost facing the sun?

Polaris, also called the North Star and the Pole Star, is situated within about 2/3 of a degree of the North Celestial Pole.