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Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings. Neptune's rings are much darker than Saturn's rings.

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Q: Which planet has 13 moons and 5 rings?
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What are the names of Neptune's 13 rings?

Neptune does not have 13 rings. Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings.

Does Neptune have any moons or rings?

Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings.

Planet with 5 moons and 9 rings?

None known.

How many moons and rings does it have Neptune?

Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings.Moons:NaiadThalassaDespinaGalateaLarissaProteusTritonNereidHalimedeSaoLaomedeiaPsamatheNesoRings:GalleLeVerrierLassellAragoAdams

What planet has 8 rings and 24 moons?

Jupiter, Saturn, neptune, and uranus have rings and moons. they are all gas giants. Saturn is the planet that is known for my rings but many don't accept the privillage of the planet and its atmosphere Saturn

5 reasons to visit the planet Saturn?

Rings, 56 known moons, swirling clouds of gas!

Which planet do have 27 moons?

The larger planets have much greater gravity than the inner planets, and large and complex moon systems have developed. Uranus has 5 large moons in regular orbits and 13 smaller ones closer to the planet, some involved with the tenuous rings around the planet. The 9 known outer moons are thought to be captured asteroids. They circle at from 5 to 20 million kilometers from the planet and all but one have retrograde orbits (the reverse direction from the larger moons and from the planet's rotation).

Why does uranus have moons?

The larger planets have much greater gravity than the inner planets, and large and complex moon systems have developed. Uranus has 5 large moons in regular orbits and 13 smaller ones closer to the planet, some involved with the tenuous rings around the planet. The 9 known outer moons are thought to be captured asteroids. They circle at from 5 to 20 million kilometers from the planet and all but one have retrograde orbits (the reverse direction from the larger moons and from the planet's rotation).

What are Neptune's moons?

Neptune's 13 moons are Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Triton, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe, and Neso.

How many moons and rings does Neptune have?

Neptune has 13 known moons and a ring system with 5 principal rings, which were discovered in 1989 by the Voyager 2 space probe. (see related question)

Which planets are larger than earth have moons and rings?

In our solar system four gas giants have moons and rings they are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.Jupiter: It has 4 rings and 64 moonsSaturn: It has 30 rings [7 groups] and 62 moonsUranus:It has 13 rings and 27 moonsNeptune:It has 5 rings and 14 moons

How many moons does Uranus have?

As of 2011, Uranus has 27 known moons, which are named after characters from the works by William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.The 5 largest moons (boldface) were the earliest discovered. The 13 inner moons are involved with the 13 known rings of Uranus. [See related question.]Listed in order of increasing orbital distance from Uranus:CordeliaOpheliaBiancaCressidaDesdemonaJulietPortiaRosalindCupidBelindaPerditaPuckMabMirandaArielUmbrielTitaniaOberonFranciscoCalibanStephanoTrinculoSycoraxMargaretProsperoSetebosFerdinand.