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All except for the earth.

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Q: Which planet has never been visited by man?
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How many times has the planet of Venus been visited?

Venus has not yet been visited. maybe in the short future this could happen, but i think its to hot for man anyways.

What year was the planet mars first seen?

mars,this planet ..... we have never gotten the chance to get there we have gone to the moon but never 2 mars.

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She never landed on a planet. She was on the space lab. Only one planet has been landed on by man and that is the moon.

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Has a man ever been on a planet?

no, because the moon isn't a planet, and earth is the only one.

What are all the planets people have walked on?

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no there is never been a man gaga

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No, has never been a man, will never be one. She was born a woman, is a woman, will always be a woman.

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No. Washington never got farther from home than the Barbados which he visited as a young man.

Is there any other planet or moon in the solar system that you can live on?

No. Only the Earth can support human life. Our moon has been visited by man but it has none or a miniscule atmosphere. All of the other planets (and moons) are too hot or too cold to support mankind.

Suleman abdi id business man?

no, never he was never been a bussiness man than warlord

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The Man who never was is believed to have been Glyndwr Michael.