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The planet is Uranus.

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Q: Which planet in the solar system orbits with its equator nearly perpendicular to its orbit?
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Even though orbits are ellipes what shape is a typical planet's orbits most like?

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No, all the moons and rings rotate in the same plane as the planet itself.

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Any time a planet has rings they will be aligned with the planet's equator. Uranus' axis is highly tilted such that its rings are almost perpendicular to its orbit.

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A planet orbits a star such as the sun. A moon orbits a planet.

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A planet orbits a star whereas a moon orbits a planet.

Is a planet a moon?

No. A moon orbits around a planet. A planet orbits around the sun.

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All orbits are geodesic curves. Comets tend to have elliptical orbits ... as do planets, really; the degree of eccentricity (this is a measure of how "stretched" the ellipse is) just tends to be higher for comets.

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