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Saturn. Its distance from the sun is around 9.5 AU, where 1 AU is the average earth to sun distance.

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Q: Which planet is located approximately ten times farther from the sun than earth is from the sun?
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Which planet is 10 times farther from the sun?

Saturn is approximately 10 times farther from the Sun than Earth.

What planet is about ten times farther than the sun?

There is no known planet that is about ten times farther from the sun than the Earth is. The farthest known planet in our solar system is Neptune, which is about 30 times farther from the sun than Earth. Beyond Neptune, there is a region called the Kuiper Belt where many icy objects are located, but they are not considered planets.

Which planet is closer to the sun than earth but farther from the sun than mercury?

Mercury is the first planet from the sun, and Earth is the third planet from the sun; Venus is the second planet from the sun, making it farther than Mercury but closer than Earth.

What is the next planet past Earth?

Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun, slightly farther from Earth than Venus, the 2nd planet.

Where is the planet Neptune located?

Farthest from sun within solar system approximately 29 AU from earth

Is the planet inferior or superior?

Saturn is Superior, as it is farther away from the Earth.

Is The Planet Saturn Inferior or Superior?

Saturn is Superior, as it is farther away from the Earth.

Is earth farther from the sun than venus?

Yes. Venus is the second planet, and Earth is the third planet. Technically, Venus is said to have an inferior orbit to Earth.

What ringed planet takes 84 years to orbit the sun and is 19 times farther from the sun than the earth?

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Which planet is before Pluto?

the planet farther than Pluto is Eris the planet farther than Pluto is Eris the planet farther than Pluto is Eris the planet farther than Pluto is Eris the planet further than neptune is nothing in our solar system but out of our solar system it,s Eris

How much farther is the sun from is the planet Saturn than Earth?

Saturn is nearly 10 AU from the sun. (Earth is 1).

Planet earth was formed 4.5billion bc?

approximately, yes