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The inner plants. The size and distance of the outer planets means they have longer and more spaced out orbits

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Q: Which planets are closest together-the inner or the outer planets?
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How is it decided which planets are inner and which planets are outer?

The inner planets are those closest to the sun.

Can you differentiate the outer planets from the inner planets?

The inner planets, which are closest to the Sun, are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsThe outer planets, which are farther away from the sun are:JupiterSaturnUranusNeptune

How are the inner planets different than then outer planets?

The inner planets are hotter because they are the closest to the sun the outer planets are the coldest because they are the farthest planets from the sun

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What is the main different between the inner and outer planets?

the inner planets are closest to the sun and the outer planets are farthest from the sun { Answered by a grade 4 student}

Is mercury a inner or a outer?

Inner planet. It is the closest planet to the Sun followed by Venus,Earth Mars. The the outer planets.

Why are inner planets different than outer planets?

Inner planets. are inner & outer planets. are outer

What are the four planets closest to the suns called?

The four planets closest to the sun are called the inner planets. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The asteroid belt lies between the inner and outer planets.

What the main difference between the inner planet and the outer planet?

the inner planets are closest to the sun and the outer planets are farthest from the sun { Answered by a grade 4 student}

Why do they call some planets Inner and Outer planets?

The inner and outer planets are broken up by the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are "inner planets" because they are on the side of the asteroid belt closest to the sun. All other planets are considered "outer planets".

Inner an outer planet similarities?

The inner and outer planets are The same because The Inner planets are not made out of gas The outer planets are bigger than inners The outer planets are the coldest The Inner planets are rocky The inner planets are terrestrial The outer planets can't support life The inner planets have iron cores The outer are the furthest from the sun The outer planets haveno rocky surface

How do the inner and outer planets atmosphere different?

the outer planets are gaseous and the inner planets are not