

Which planets are next to the moon?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Earth has one moon and earth is the only planet next its moon however, other planets have their own moons. The link above takes you to a "table" of moons, it lists which planets have moons, how many moons each planet has, the names of the moons, when they were discovered, who discovered them etc... Just copy and paste the address into your browser if you can't click it.

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Q: Which planets are next to the moon?
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If you are talking today as in October 19, 2010.....the King of the planets...Jupiter. :)

What planets are next to moon?

Well, our own Earth is its closest neighbour. After that it is Venus (when at its closest approach). Perhaps you meant "next to" as in nearest in the sky when we look at the Moon. That is changing all the time of course.

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None. The Earth's moon is not a planet and there are no planets "ON" any moon. Many planets in the solar system have several moons.

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the moon orbits around the earth constantly. The earth is always closest. _____________________ The last few evenings, Venus has been that extra-bright planet in the sky right next to the Moon.

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The Moon is a moon and the planets are planets, so it's impossible for a moon to be a planet. See related questions.

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Inferior planets (Mercury and Venus) can never be opposite to the Sun, since they are nearer to the Sun than we are. Therefore, it follows that they can't be seen next to a full moon, which is opposite to the Sun in the sky.

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No planets are in orbit around the moon

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No two planets share the same moon.

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Planets do not go around the moon.

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neither venes or Mercury has a moon.

How do moons orbit the planets?

the planets do not orbit the moon but the moon orbits the planets because of gravity and inertia