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Q: Which thing stay fix in a pattern in sky?
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How do the planets stay in the sky?

planets stay in the sky due to the pull of gravity

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A pattern of stars in the sky?

A pattern of stars in the sky is called a Constellation!(: The name for a pattern of stars is an Asterism, of which the named Constellations are some but not all.

Why is it the sky is blue?

Fix your grammar .... Or else you will be answered uncorectly

Do your star signs stay in the sky forever?


Can the flight can stay on the sky when it is flying?

yes it can

Is the sky a place or thing?

It can be called a place and thing.

Are moon and sun the same?

No. The sun is the bright yellow thing in the sky. The moon is the big white thing in the sky.

Is the moon the brightest thing in the sky?

No, the Sun is the brightest thing is the sky. The light from the mood is in fact reflected sunlight.

Does Neptune has a constellation?

No. Neptune is a planet, while a constellation is a pattern of stars in the sky. The thing about constellations is that they do not really exist; Neptune is real and the stars are real, but the PATTERN of the stars exists only in our own minds.

what is the most bouncy thing?

a sky ball is the bounciest thing

How do clouds stay in the sky?

It is because that they are made up of water vapor (which is a form of gas) and it is light hence it stay up in the sky as long as they don't get heavy and rain.