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Mercury and Venus both lack natural satellites. Mars has two small ones. Jupiter and Saturn each have more than 60, with Ganymede and Titan both being larger than Mercury.

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Q: Which two planets do not have their own satellite?
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What are the satellite planets?

By definition planets orbit a star and satellites orbit a planet. Therefore there are no satellite planets.

Do all planets have satellite?

yes all planets accept Pluto has satellite

Which planets are on either side of the satellite?

There is no satellite that has different planets at roughly equal distances on either side of it.

I asked which planets have satellites. Your response was two Mercury and Venus donot have moons Is a satellite and moon the same thing?

A moon is also a satellite. Just to be clear, the only planets that do not have moons are Mercury and Venus. The rest do have moons.

What is a satellite that orbits the sun?


What is a natural satellite that orbits the Sun?


Do any planets apart from earth have their own moon?

Every planet in our solar system with the exception of Mercury and Venus have at least 1 satellite.

Do moons revolve around other planets?

Yes. A moon (or natural satellite) do revolve around other planets besides Earth. The only two planets without moons revolving around them are Mercury and Venus.

How are satellite pictures of earth and of other planets made and transmitted?

Satellite pictures are taken through the satellite and sent to Earth via satellite waves.

How are satellite pictures of earth and other planets made and transmitted?

Satellite pictures are taken through the satellite and sent to Earth via satellite waves.

What was the Earth's first satellite?

"The Moon" was the first satellite -- a satellite is an orbiting body. The term "natural satellite" is used for the moons of planets. Planets and asteroids may be considered satellites of the Sun, but to avoid confusion they are almost never referred to as such. (see related question)

Moon or Object that travels around the planets?

A satellite.