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It takes one year for Earth to revolve around the Sun. One day for Earth to rotate on its axis.

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Q: Which word describes the earths motion in one year?
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Which word describes the motion of an object as it spins in space?

The Earth revolves about its axis (a 24 hour day).It also orbits the Sun in a more or less circular motion once every year(about 365 days).

What word best describes 12 months?

Year, 12 months = 1 year.

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Years are defined as the amount of time it takes to go all the way around our sun.

What word describes a tree that stays green all year?

Why an evergreen of course!

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Biannual describes something that occurs twice a year, once every half year.

What is the lenghth of earths year?

the length of earths year is 365 days, tho its not really hahaha

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Is annual an adjective clause?

The word 'annual' is an adjective, not a clause. The adjective annual describes a noun as occurring once a year; the annualFall Festival, the annual report.The word 'annual' is also a noun, a word for a plant that lives for only one year, or a publication that is produced once a year.

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Because the earths magnetic poles move around from year to year, and even day to day.

What year was earths first year celebrated?

1970 April 22nd 1970

When does Jupiter retrograde?

A retrograde motion of an OUTER planet happens when Earths orbit catches up with and overtakes the planet as Earth orbits the Sun. For Jupiter it is observed to be in retrograde (moving backwards as measured against the fixed stars) motion for 121 days a year. NOTE Jupiter is not actually moving backwards, it just appears to.