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Nicolas Copernicus.

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Q: Who proposed the circular orbits of the planets around the sun in the 1500s?
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What evidence do you have that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun and not in circular orbits?

Elliptical orbits of the planets around the sun actually match what we observe. Newton's Theory of Universal Gravitation states that planets will move around the sun in elliptical orbits.

Planets do not collide into one another?

Planets around the sun in nearly circular orbit . The radii of these orbits differ widely

What is the shape of the orbits of the planets around the sun?

The planetary orbits of our solar system are considered "elliptical." This includes "circular" orbits, as a circle is a type of ellipse. In astrodynamics, an elliptical orbit and a circular orbit both fit into the description of a Kepler Orbit.

Who thought that the earth was the centre of the universe and that the planets had circular orbits?

Ptolemy, but he was wrong the sun is in the center and planets have elliptical orbits.

What 2 planets have the most circular orbits?

venus and pluto

What 2 planets have most circular orbits?

venus and pluto

Why your planets revolve in elliptical orbit rather than circular orbit?

Circular orbits are unstable; any outside influence (i.e. other planets) will distort them. Elliptical orbits are self adjusting.

What did Bohr assume about motion of electrons?

Bohr proposed that an electron is found only in specific circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus.

What did BOHR assume about the motion of the electron?

Bohr proposed that an electron is found only in specific circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus.

Who proposed electrons travel in circular orbits within an aton?

Niels Bohr

What two planets has the most circular orbits?

Pluto and Abby University

If the planets' orbits were circular would their distance from the sun always be the same?

Yes. However, the orbits of all planets are elliptical. Some planets, like Earth, have a very low "eccentricity", which is a measure of how non-circular they are. Earth's orbit is not quite circular, but fairly close. Other planets, like Mars, have more eccentric orbits, and their perihelion and aphelion distances are substantially different.