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were wolfs don't actuly transform(as far as i know) but on the full moon they are stronger.

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Q: Who turn into a werewolf when there is a full moon?
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How do people act on full moon?

they turn to a werewolf ... HOWWLL

What is the orgin of werewolves?

That if you get scratched by one then you are one, and they turn into a werewolf on a full moon.

What is Jacob's destiny in new moon?

Jacob has to turn into a wolf. Not a werewolf because werewolfs can only turn during a full moon.

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No, Bella Swan does not turn into a werewolf in New Moon.

What happens twice a month at full and new moon phases?

i go beserk and turn into a werewolf

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no, but if you got bitten by a werewolf you'll turn to a werewolf! :DUh, that's a full moon you're thinking of there, champ.

Does it hurt to turn into a werewolf?

It will hurt but im a werewolf and i have to wait til Augest 13 the next full moon but the pain will go away tho

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Sonic changes into a werehog when it's night and the Full moon is out like a Werewolf.

Could you turn into a werewolf?

in the movies if your bit by one you'll turn into one on the next full moon. in reality it doesn't seem logical you can physically turn into one but it is possible to mentally turn into one if you think your a werewolf.

How was werewolf formed?

by a full moon

How do you turn your self into a werewolf when you get mad?

Sorry, you're thinking of the Incredible Hulk. Werewolves require the full moon.

What does a Boggart turn into when professor Lupin sees one?

A full moon. Professor Lupin is a werewolf, so the thing he fears the most is the full moon which turns him into a savage beast.