Thor was the Norse god of the sky and thunder. He was the son of Odin, the patron god of the Norse people.
. Thursday, named after the Norse god Thor. Tiu (Twia) is the English/Germanic god of war and the sky. He is identified with the Norse god Thor The other days: Sunday -- Sun's day Monday -- Moon's day Tuesday -- Tiu's day Wednesday -- Woden's day Thursday -- Thor's day Friday -- Freya's day Saturday -- Saturn's day
The element named after the Norse god of thunder is thorium.
The element named after the Norse god of thunder is Thorium. Thorium was named in honor of the god Thor due to its high density and powerful properties, which are reminiscent of the strength and power associated with the Norse god.
Thursday was named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. In many Germanic languages, Thursday is also named after Thor.
The element named after the Norse god of thunder is thorium, symbol Th. It is a radioactive metal with atomic number 90.
Thursday was named for Thor (Thor's day), who was the Norse god of the sky, thunder, and weather.
. Thursday, named after the Norse god Thor. Tiu (Twia) is the English/Germanic god of war and the sky. He is identified with the Norse god Thor The other days: Sunday -- Sun's day Monday -- Moon's day Tuesday -- Tiu's day Wednesday -- Woden's day Thursday -- Thor's day Friday -- Freya's day Saturday -- Saturn's day
Zeus was the king of the gods and the lord of the sky. He had a lightning bolt.
In Norse mythology, the god of thunder and lightning is Thor. He is known for wielding his magical hammer Mjölnir and creating thunderstorms when he strikes it against the sky. Thor is a powerful and heroic figure in Norse cosmology.
The element named after the Norse god of thunder is thorium.
Thor was the Norse god of thunder
He is the Norse god of Thunder
Thor was the Norse god of thunder.
Thor is the Norse god of thunder.
Thor is the Norse God of Thunder.