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The length of a planet's day depends on the speed of its rotation. Mars rotates slightly more slowly than Earth does, and so it has a slightly longer day.

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Q: Why are the days on Mars longer?
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Why are mars days longer than earth days?

Because Mars rotates slower than Earth

Which planet have days longer than 24hrs?

A day on Mars is less than an hour longer. Venus and Mercury have far longer days.

Which is longer a year on earth or a year on mars?

A year on Mars is 1.8808 Earth Years or 686.97 days

What planet has 686 days earth days in a year?

The planet Mars has a year that is approximately 686 Earth days long. This longer year is due to Mars having a longer orbital period around the Sun compared to Earth.

1year on mars is how many earth days?

One year on Mars is approximately 687 Earth days. This is because Mars takes longer to orbit around the sun compared to Earth.

Is a year on mars shorter than earth?

Yes, a year on Mars is longer than a year on Earth. A year on Mars is about 687 Earth days.

Earth's year is slightly longer due to the gravity of Mars?

An Earth year is 365 Earth days. A Mars year is 686.98 Earth days. A Mars year is 1.88 Earth years.

How long is a martain year?

While a year on Earth 365 days, it is longer on Mars. On Mars, it is not quite 687 Earth days, or 1.88 Earth years.

What the length of one year on Mars?

A year on Mars, also known as a Martian year, is longer than an Earth year. It lasts approximately 687 Earth days. This is due to Mars taking longer to orbit around the Sun compared to Earth.

What planet has a rotation period of 24 and a half hours but its year is 687 earth days?

Mars has a rotation period of about 24.6 hours, which is similar to Earth's day length. However, Mars has a longer year due to its longer orbit around the Sun, which takes about 687 Earth days.

How long will a year be on mars compared to a earth year?

A year on Mars is about 687 Earth days long. This is because Mars takes longer to orbit the Sun compared to Earth.

How many earth days does it take for a day on mars to go by?

A day on Mars is almost the same as an Earth day. It is only 39.6minutes longer.