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Any body that orbits (goes round) another body is called a satellite of that body. Therefore the Moon is a satellite of the Earth and by definition all the Planets are satellites of the Sun.

The term 'satellite' is also used to describe man made devices which have been put into orbit round the Earth - however when we make these go round the Sun or other planets we tend to call them 'probes' in this instance.👍

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12y ago

Because we are in orbit around the sun, just as man-made satellites are in orbit around the earth.

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11y ago

Planets are regarded to be natural satellites of the sun simply because they orbit the sun.

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because they were made that way

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Q: Why are the planets considered satellites of sun?
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Are the planets are satellites of the sun?

Yes, the planets can be described as being satellites of the sun.

Are planets satellites of the sun?

Yes, the planets can be described as being satellites of the sun.

Are moons minor planets?

No. Minor planets still orbit the sun. Moons are considered natural satellites.

Why are the planets considered satellites to the sun?

Because of gravity and all the pull (gravitational pull).

Are the planets like moons to the sun?

The planets are satellites of the sun. The moons are satellites of the planets. The moons revolve around the planets captured by their gravity, while the planets revolve around the sun captured by its gravity and the sun.

Does the sun have any natural satellites?

Yes, all of the planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets are natural satellites of the sun.

Why are the planets called satellites of the sun?

They are natural satellites of the sun. A satellite an object that orbits another object , for a example the moon would be a natural satellite to earth. That is why planets are satellites, they orbit the sun.

What are 3 solar satellites?

A solar satellite is any object that orbits the sun. Planets, asteroids, and comets are considered solar satellites.

Are dwarf planets satillites?

They are satellites of our sun, as with the eight major planets. They orbit the sun directly.

How are planets different from satellites?

simple! planets are huge or normally bigger than satellites in terms of mass, area and size. planets normally have a atmosphere like the earth. planets revolve around the sun whereas satellites revolve around the planet. both of them are non luminous object which means they reflect the light from the sun. satellites are usually fragments of a planet when it was forming.

Why do planets and satellites orbit the sun?

because of the gravity

Why are the planets considered satellites?

Planets are not satellites. The definition of satellite is any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star.