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If you watch for the time of moonrise during the monthly cycle, you will see that it rises later and later each day. By the time it gets to the waning crescent, it doesn't rise until the small hours of the morning, when you are probably in bed. However, if the sky is clear you may well be able to see it in the western sky after sunrise, as it doesn't set until afternoon.

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You can - until it becomes obscured in the glare of the sun.

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Sure you can see it, if the Moon is above the horizon.

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We can, so the question is irrelevant.

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Q: Why can't we see the waning crescent?
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How long will it rake to see a waning crescent?

1 or 2 days

What is the part of the moon you see becomes less and less?

Crescent, waning

What would you have to do if you wanted to see the Moon's waning crescent phases?

You would have to wait until after the moon is full. Then, the moon is in its waning phase and you can see it!

What comes after waning crescent?

A waning crescent is followed by a New Moon. The New Moon being followed by a waxing crescent.

What phase is the moon in when its waning?

Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter and Waning Crescent.

How does the waning crescent differ from waning gibbous?

A gibbous moon (waxing or waning) is when we can see morethan half of the moon's sunlit side when viewed from Earth, a gibbous moon has a sort of lemon shape. A crescent moon (waxing or waning) is when we can see less than half of the moon's sunlit side and it looks like a fingernail when viewed from Earth.

What is a waxing crescent?

It's the opposite of waning crescent.

How do you use waning crescent in a sentence?

When the moon is a waning crescent, it is less than half a moon- and diminishing nightly.

Name the moon phases?

Waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, waning gibbous, waning crescent, new moon.

What is the phase of the moon when it's crescent shaped?

When the moon looks like a crescent, it is either a waxing crescent or waning crescent moon.

Which moon phase is decreasing?

Waning gibbous, Third Quarter and Waning Crescent are the 'waning' moon phases.