

Why do larger planets rotate faster?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Because planets don't consist of pure mass. They are shells. The faster the planet rotates the more centrifugal force is applied and all of the matter gets pushed outside. Jupiter is flattened at the top and bottom because of this force. Hurricanes and Tornadoes all have a hollow interior because of centrifugal force when they are spinning. This is why the faster a planet spins the larger it gets (it would be safe to say that a larger planet has a thinner crust).


1) There are obvious exceptions to this "rule", but there does seem to be a link between planet mass and rotation speed.

2) There is the problem of dealing with two very different types of planets (terrestrial planets and gas planets).

3) From what I've read, planetary scientists have not yet got a complete

theory to explain this phenomenon. There are several theories.

Angular momentum seems to be very important.

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