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4 Planets have rings Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter Jupiter has a very thin ring and you uassily can't notice it Saturn has the largest ring

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Q: Why do the last 4 planets in the solar system have rings?
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What do all the outer planets have common?

They have in common is that they are the last planets in the solar system

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What is the last 4 planets in the solar system called?

they are called the "gas giants"

One fact that makes Neptune special from the other planets?

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What are the first and last planets?

In our Solar System, the closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, and the furthest is Neptune.

What damages the planets in the solar system?

many things could damage planets in our solar system, there could be the explosin of our sun, lage metiorites ,exterestrial invasions(unlikely), we are damaging our planet and it wont last forever

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there called gaseous planets because they are the planets made of gas

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Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet last 2005. Pluto was too small to be considered as a planet anymore. Its orbit was also not like any of what we call our planets. There are three dwarf planets in our solar system.

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It is the fourth planet from the sun in the solar system, the last of the inner ring planets before the asteroid belt, the planet after Earth and the planer before Jupiter.

What is some special information about Neptune?

it is the last planet in the solar system and it is one of the gas giants and it is one of the outer planets.

What planets day last 9.9 hrs?

Jupiter. It spins the most quickly on it's axis out of the planets in our solar system, it's day lasting only 9h 55mins and 30secs.