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Because the moons in orbit around us, rotating around us. It's difficult to see as the earth is spinning once every 24 hrs, but take a mental snapshot of where the moon is at the same time every day to cancel this out and you'll see how it gradually goes round us once every 29 days or so.

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12y ago

There are two factors. The first is that the Earth spins on its own axis every 24 hours and the second is that the moon rotates around the Earth once every 28 days. Now imagine that you are the Earth and that someone else is the Moon. If you start off facing the Moon and then you both start to move, you will get back to your starting point 24 hours later. However, the other person will have moved on - in fact they'll have already covered 1/28 of their monthly journey. It will take you about another 50 minutes to catch up (1/28 x 24 = 51.53 to be precise). So, high tide will be 51 minutes later each day.

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9y ago

The tides depend mainly on the Moon, so they are dependent on the position of the Moon. The Moon rises about 50 minutes later every day.

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Q: Why do tides happen 50 minutes later each day?
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How much later does the moon rise each night?

45 minutes

Why does the moon rise and set 50 minutes later each day?

because the earth rotates

Is why there are two low tides and two high tides each day a declarative or procedural statement?

The declarative statement would be: "There are two low tides and two high tides each day." This is a simple declaration of a fact. The interrogative, or question form would be: "Are there two low tides and two high tides each day?" Asking, in the simplest terms, 'does it happen' without regard for the mechanisms involved. "Why are there two..." presumes the truth of the declarative sentence and inquires about the mechanisms behind the events. "Why there are two low tides and two high tides each day" again presumes the truth of the declarative sentence. This doesn't ask a question, however. It is not even a complete sentence. It is a statement that what follows is an explanation; what follows will be the answer to the question "Why are there two...". So you could say that the statement in the Question above is 'procedural'. When sentences are in this form, you can help clarify the function of the sentence by putting in front of it [This is]. "This is why there are two low tides and two high tides each day." Then the material that follows gives the details.Sometimes people learning English as a second language have difficulty forming verbs the way they are formed in English. "Why there are two low tides ..." is then intended to be the question form, "Why are there two..." This is virtually always the case when sentences in this form are submitted here as questions.Statements in this form "Why there are two low tides and two high tides each day" could be the name of an essay that explains what is happening, but again it is not a complete sentence as it stands.

Why are tides delayed fifty minutes each day?

Because the moon's gravitational pull is what moves the tides. As you probably know, the moon is in a different spot each night when compared with a specific place on the earth due to Earth's rotation. The distance from the specific spot is in a specific ratio that determines the tide pulls of each place on earth. Gets a bit more complicated, but that's the general explanation.

What is the variation in moonrise each day?

The Moon rises (and sets) approximately 48 minutes later each day or night because the Moon is in constant motion around the Earth.

Related questions

How many low tides happen in the same spot each day?

most low tides happen only twice a day.

How often do low and high tides happen each day?

2 times

How many times do tides occur on the Texas coast?

there are two tides a low tode and a low each happen once a day

Does high tides and low tides happen every day?

No, not at all. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun on the earth's waters. The earth rotates once every 24 hours and the earth/moon system rotates roughly once every 27 days. The complex interaction between the two creates a pattern that repeats roughly every 24 hours and 50 minutes. In other words, the whole pattern of high and low tides shifts by a bit under an hour every day. But there's still more: Within that pattern there oscillations that produce two different high and two different low tides every day, so there's about 6 hours and 12 minutes between any pair of high and low tides.

How long before low tide and low tide?

The moon takes about 24 hours and 50 minutes to orbit the Earth. This is why the tide rises about 50 minutes later each day. This means that the peak of the gravitational force that creates the tides happens about every 12 hours, 25 minutes

In most coastal areas there are two high tides every day. What causes the two tides?

The Moon's gravity causes the high tides and low tides. Two tides happen each day, because the Earth and Moon actually form an orbital pair: that is, the Earth is not exactly 'stationary' with the Moon circling around it. Rather, it 'wobbles' a bit, away from the Moon as it orbits. This means that on the side of the Earth opposite the Moon, a 'bulge' of water is created due to Centrifugal Force. This is the other high tide, and it is always somewhat smaller than the high caused directly by the gravity of the moon. The actual height of the tides varies due to distance of the Moon (like all orbits, it is not exactly circular, but elliptical, and the distance between Earth and Moon varies). The Sun also exerts a considerable force, hence tides are bigger at Full Moon (Moon and Sun opposite each other), and even larger at New Moon (Moon and Sun pulling together on the same side of Earth). Because the Moon orbits a spinning Earth, it rises later each day at any given location, and so the tides get later (by approx 50 minutes) each day. By coincidence (?) this means that in a week, the tides have become later by approx 6 hours (7X50 minutes) so if high tide is, say, 8 o'clock today, it will be low tide at 8 o'clock (approx) in a week's time.

How many minutes later does the moon rise or set each night?

Approximately 50 minutes.

What time of day is a low tide?

ice age!

How are waves and tides predictable?

Tides are created by the known and predictable gravitational pull of the sun and moon in their relationship to the earth. Tides are also affected by unpredictable forces of nature (winds, storms, river runs, atmospheric pressure changes). An understanding of the forces causing ocean tides is complex. Generally, there will be 2 high tides and 2 low tides every 24 hours occuring approximately 50 minutes later each day. During periods of full moon or new moon high tides are usually higher than normal and low tides are usually lower than normal. During periods of the first quarter and last quarter the high tides and the low tides are usually less than normal.

How much later does the moon rise each night?

45 minutes

What might explain the fact that water is rising in one area and falling in another?

This is happening because of tides, which happen in the opposite places on Earth at the same time. The magnetic field on the Earth and the Moon are pulling towards each other, causing the tides to rise in one place and fall in another.

How do low tides occurs?

Lunar tides and solar tides partially cancel each other out. (During high tides, they work together)