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This is clearly related to its greater mass. The other giant planets also have several moons each.

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Q: Why does Jupiter have 16 moons and the earth only has one?
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Does Jupiter and earth have similarities?

Only that they are planets with some of the biggest moons. Earth is solid, Jupiter is gaseous. Earth has no ring, but Jupiter has one that can barely be seen! Earth has one big moon (If a moon the same size orbits Jupiter, that moon is a great moon), while Jupiter has a ton of moons! Also, 1000 Earths can fit into a Jupiter.

How many galilean moons does the planet Jupiter have?

There are four Galilean moons, so named because they were discovered by Galileo. They are comparartively large compared to the other Jovian moons, so they were visible from Earth as companions to the planet. They are Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io.

Earth has one moon but which planet has the most moons?

The planet with the most moons is JUPITER as it has 62 moons and then SATURN with 33 moons.

What planet's has six moons larger than earth?

No planet has any moons as large as the earth.

Is the earth the only planet with a moon or moons?

Within the Solar System, Earth is the only planet with one moon - The Moon.

Which major planets in your solar system have only one moon?

In this solar system, it is only the Earth. All others have different amounts or might not have a moon at all. Mercury & Venus, no moons Mars has 2 moons Jupiter has around 64 moons. Saturn has around 30 something moons. So the Earth is the only one with one moon

What has double the moons of earth and Pluto?

Earth has one moon, Mars has 2 moons, Jupiter has 63 known moons to date, Saturn has 34 moons, Uranus has 27 moons, Neptune has 7 moons, Pluto has 3 moons.

What is the distance of jupiters moons in astronomical units?

Answer: you would have to be specific there are a lot of moons orbitting Jupiter Answer: The distance from Earth to Jupiter's moons is the same as the distance from Earth to Jupiter. The distance from Jupiter to its moons is insignificant, and can be ignored.

A planet that has at least one moon?

The Earth has ONE Moon Mars has TWO Moons Jupiter and Saturn have several Moon. Notably Mercury and Venus have NO Moons.

Why do people call earths moon the moon?

cause there are many kinds of moons one is called the earth moon some moons are and some are small__________________________Before the invention of the telescope, there was only one moon, "the Moon" - EARTH'S Moon. It wasn't until Galileo pointed his new Dutch telescope at Jupiter that anybody had any idea that other planets might have moons of their own. Jupiter, he saw, had FOUR moons!

What is the number of moons on venus?

Our Earth has only one Moon, and that Moon is one Moon itself...I don't think Moons within Moons exsist.

Which planets with only one moons?

In OUR solar system, Earth is the only planet with one moon. Mercury and Venus don't have any moons, Mars has two, and the rest of the planets have more. Jupiter is in the lead, with more than 60 moons, and more still being discovered .