

Why does earth rotate around itself?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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The world spins in order to create the illusion of day and night, also to cause seasonal change, if the world did not spin in our case one side of the planet would always be dark and the other light, same with the seasons if the earth always stayed on the farthest point on its rotation it would be colder, so as the world spins it produces change.... this rotation is caused by gravity and the gravitational pull of the earth.

But I (ID0403484127) think:

That that's the worlds buisness and the worlds business only

the world would love to share why it spins. it spins because it likes too.

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11y ago
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11y ago

The world (Earth) and indeed the other planets (and sun) in the solar system rotate because the original nebular from which the sun and planets formed was in motion. The motion is an energy called angular momentum and the laws of physics require that this energy is conserved as the nebular condensed. A mechanism for this conservation of energy is to impart a rotation to the solid bodies formed from the nebular particles. The other mechanism is to conserve the energy in the orbital motion of the planets.

Rotational motion can be modified over time by one rotating body transferring its angular momentum to another body. For instance the Earth's rotation is slowing down slightly every year and some of the the energy lost by this is being transferred to the moon which is speeding up (and therefore moving further away form the Earth) each year (other components of the energy are used to drive the ocean tides).

Also the moons rotation has now been tidally locked to the earth so that it now rotates once each orbit of the earth.

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14y ago

The earth "spins" (rotates) on its axis based on the action of the materials that accreted to form it, and also on any large collisions it might have undergone. Like the one in the large impactor theory about the way the moon came to be in orbit about the earth.

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9y ago

The spinning of the planet within its orbit is called centrifugal motion. The planet must constantly spin in order to keep the force of gravity in effect.

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