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The current explanation is that while the planets were forming the solar winds tended to push gaseous substances further out toward the rim of the 'accretion disk' of pre-planetary materials, leaving the rock behind. Even the gas giants have cores of rocky or metallic composition, although their bulk is overwhelmingly the gases that came together around them.

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Q: Why does the composition of the giant gas planets differ from that of the rocky planets?
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What type of planet is rocky or gaseous?

The "terrestrial planets" are rocky and the "gas giant planets" are gaseous.

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Is it rocky or a gas giant?

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Is the earth a rocky or gas giant?

It's A Rock. A Gas you can't feel. I'm going to say that yes it is a rock but our second thought was gas so don't feel mistakened

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They have rocky surfaces.

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. . . All of them. The only planets with notable rings are Saturn (gas giant) and Uranus (ice giant).

Which planets are not among the gas giant planets?

All of the inner planets are rocky planets: Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury

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Mercury is a rocky planet. The inner planets (first four planets from the sun) are rocky planets (which means that you could stand on them) and are the smallest. While the outer planets (last four planets from the sun) are gas planets and the biggest.

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The inner planets' surface materials differ from the outer planets because the inner planets have rocky surfaces and the outer planets have gas surfaces.

How does the composition of a star differ from the composition a planet?

The composition of Our Gas Giants may resemble that of Our Sun, yet they have not the Power Of Ignition! The rocky composition of the inner planets bears no resemblance at all. Stars are mostly Hydrogen. the core of stars is under so much pressure that the Hydrogen undergoes fusion into Heliun and a few heavier elements. Planets are too small for this to happen.

How are the planets classifications as a terrestrial plaent or gas giant generally related to their densities?

Rocky planets are denser than gas giants.