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because of the mountains

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Q: Why does the moon get so cold at night?
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What is the tematru of the moon?

the temutre of the moon is really hot in the day and so cold at night.

Why does the moon get so hot in the day and so cold at night?

The moon gets hot during the day because of the sun's rays hitting it. The moon gets cold at night because there is no atmosphere to hold in the heat from the day.

Why does the moon get so hot during the day and so cold at night?

During the day the sun is out and shines on the moon, but at night the sun goes down, therefore the moon is dark when the sun is down.

Why does the moon get so cold and so hot?

It gets hot and cold. Hot because there is no atmosphere so the sun's rays get in much easily. Cold because there is not atmosphere to trap the heat and don't forget the moon rotates so it still has day and night.

Is the moon to cold for humans?

During the lunar 'night' it is.

Is the moon hotter then the earth?

the moon has no atmosphere so it does not regulate it's temperature. It gets incredibly hot during the day and incredibly cold during the night.

Why is it so hot during the day but extremely cold at night?

Because during the day, the Earth's atmosphere is heated by the sun. At night-time, the sun is on the other side of the globe. So, the reason why it's cold at night is because the sun isn't in the sky to keep the atmosphere on the night-side of the Earth warm. The Moon is capable of reflecting light from the Sun, providing the night-time side of Earth with a little light, if there was no Moon, we wouldn't be able to see at night-time. However, the Moon cannot reflect the Suns heat.

Why is it cold at night?

because theres no sun only moon at night and god made it that way

Why are temperatures on the moon extreme?

The moon does not have an atmosphere - on the sunlit side it is excruciatingly hot whereas on the night side of the moon it is bitterly cold.

Why is the moon so bright at night?

Coz sky is black. If moon appear in day when sun is shines then moon will be not bright simple. EDITED : ... What grade are you in? That a horrible explanation. The moon is so bright at night because at night The Sun and The moon is Aligned so that the Sun's light would hit the moon and which bounce off the moon through the earth. Thus, The moon is bright at night.

Which is hotter the Moon or Pluto?

Day time on the Moon is hotter than Pluto. Night time on the moon is about as cold as Pluto, sometimes colder.

What are the moons temperatures?

Temperatures on the moon are very hot in the daytime, about 100 degrees C. At night, the lunar surface gets very cold, as cold as minus 173 degrees C. This wide variation is because Earth's moon has no atmosphere to hold in heat at night or prevent the surface from getting so hot during the day.