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The same reason it gives light to the Earth - the Sun shines on the moon too.

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13y ago

the sun gives us light because it is very big and very very bright. it gives us heat becasue its very very hot and is a burning hot ball of fire/star. Thanks!

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sun gives the light to the moon sun gives the light to the moon

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Only because the sun shines on the moon.

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The moon reflects light from the Sun.

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Does the moon give light to the sun?

The same reason it gives light to the Earth - the Sun shines on the moon too.

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The Sun.

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Does moon gives its own light?

No, the moon does not. The reason that the moon looks like it does is because it is lit by the light of the sun.

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No, the sun gives light to the moon, but not the stars. the stars give their own light.

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The Sun Gives The Moon All It's Light. The Earth's Movement That Blocks And Let's In Parts Of The Sun's Light For The Moon.

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the moon does not give out light because the sun shines light and it reflects onto us on the earth please recommend me

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Because the moon is not a star and only stars can produce light by itself.